Sozo Appointment Request
Sozo is held on the third Saturday every month. If you are looking to schedule for a particular month, please note in the comment section below.
This address will receive a confirmation email
Our in-person Sozos take place the third Saturday each month. If the this doesn't work with your schedule, we can offer you an over-the-phone Sozo at various times and days.
Preferred Appointment Time (please note appointments are not confirmed until you have been contacted directly)
Please select one option.
10:30 AM
1:30 PM
3:30 PM
No Preference
Over-the-phone Sozo
If in person, please let us know what month you are requesting ministry:
Sozo is held on the third Saturday every month. If you are looking to schedule for a particular month, please note in the comment section below.
Please Fix the Following